Berke Ejinn


Note: This information can freely be used in initial contact.

Name: Berke Ejinn
Species: Au Ra, Xaela
Gender: Male
Age: Specific unknown, visually appears to be in his late 20s or early 30s

The man you see before you bears no dissimilar appearance to the Xaela of the Steppes. He is tall (just over 7'1" or 216 cm), with weathered black scales growing over his fair skin. His horns angle downward, framing the scales that makeup what one could only surmise would be the Au Ra equivalent of a beard. In fact, as far as one can tell, he has no hair on him anywhere save for what grows from his head - a style that seems both messy and maintained at the same time. His chocolate locks are streaked with an almost cinnamon brown, and pulled back just enough to keep the majority from falling into his face. A bit of faded paint can be seen decorating the area around his eyes, but the purpose of it is difficult to ascertain - or perhaps the distraction of his bright white limbal rings that surround his copper eyes is what's causing the difficulty.

Clearly, from his build, one can surmise that Berke is no stranger to hard work. His arms reflect the heavy lifting he is accustom to, with the rest of his muscular frame also showing the effects of manual labor. A few thin scars in various locations along his arms and chest suggest he has seen his fair share of struggles - scars which even extend into his scales, causing slight bumps and irregularities in their growth. But, despite the blemishes, he doesn't appear to be one who has rushed headfirst into battle often.

Origin History

Note: The following information can be used in RP, provided your character may have chanced to see him in passing.


Some time before the beginning of the Seventh Umbral Era, an elderly hyur merchant couple returned from a trip overseas with a new resident to Thanalan. They had found an orphaned baby xaela, taken him in as their own, and given him the name Berke Ejinn - a name based on the only words he spoke to them in the beginning.The young au ra grew up not far from the city gates of Ul'dah, spending his time with his adoptive family both in their home and at their roadside store. There were not many other au ra in Ul'dah at that time, making him somewhat of a unique resident of the lands.Sadly, the happy times he spent with his surrogate parents only lasted for a few years, as time does not slow and age finally took the old couple to their final resting place. As a foreign-looking child, he was left to the mercy of the streets, and struggled to survive as a twice-made orphan until he discovered a talent for healing - one he put to use on his fellow urchins.A passing elezen conjurer by the name of Florent noticed the boy and his talent, and took him to Gridania to be schooled by the Conjurer's Guild - which he horribly failed at. His fellow students would quickly find that he had no interest in book-learning, and often snuck out of lessons to spend time in the forest or explore the city among the trees.Eventually he had enough of smarter men trying to beat the knowledge into his brain, and set out to make his own way in the world. He picked up a few trade skills and eventually began to take work as a general laborer or healer-for-hire, wandering about for years wherever he felt he could be of use. It wasn't until he wandered into Ishgardian territory that his real life began.

RP Info


Birthday: 17th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (RL 6/16)
Guardian: Thaliak
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: In a relationship


General Personality: Shy and reserved around new people or in crowds, with an unfortunate case of RBF. Most assume he is a tough guy at first glance, but in reality he's a sweet, kind, and fun-loving individual who enjoys a good joke - be it a prank, pun, or story.
Relationships: While it takes him time to fully warm up to new people, once he has deemed someone a good friend, he will be loyal almost to a fault.

Common Locations

Ishgard - Current employment means Berke is commonly found in Ishgard and its surrounding territories. whether he's running errands, hauling crates, or just taking a break and enjoying the view.The Wilds - Buying materials is costly, so why not gather them yourself? Berke is no stranger to picking up an axe or pick to find what he needs. He also enjoys spending time outside, either for work or for personal pleasure.Anywhere with sweets - If there's one thing that Berke loves, it's sugar. Whether it's baked or frozen, Berke always makes a beeline for sugary confections like a moth to an open flame. Offer him something sweet and he'll sit and listen to almost anything - though he may be too focused on his treat to remember anything that was said.

RP Hooks

Lend me a hand!

Do you find that the object of your desire is on the top shelf of that pesky rack, or that crate is just a bit too heavy? Berke has no problem being given a simple physical task, and while he would prefer some gil for his aid, he can be persuaded to offer his service for free if circumstances permit.

Aren't you a...?

While Au Ra aren't rare, they're certainly not common in areas outside the Far East. Berke is used to people staring or asking questions, and has ready answers for curious children or concerned adults.

Looking for Work

As a migrant laborer, this character is usually available to do whatever manual work is required. Need some firewood chopped, crops harvested, lawn cut, or just want to kick your feet up while you watch your hired hand move you into your new apartment? Call Berke - friends and family discount available as a limited-time offer!

Just stand here and look menacing.

Need someone to look tough but keep their mouth shut? With strong arms, a broad chest, and features that would make a more faint-hearted individual consider buying new pants, Berke is easy to recruit into quick intimidation schemes. Just make sure to pay him for his time, and avoid using him for more illicit work.


The Explorer's League

The Explorer's League

Close Associates

OOC Info

Time Zone: Eastern Standard TimeActivity: Most weeknights and weekends.Preferred Locations: In-Game primarily, with discord for continuing longer-form RP. Please note that discord is only shared with those whom I feel comfortable with.


Themes: Though I am open to dark RP (drugs, sex, violence, etc) and allow any injury to my character, it must make sense in the RP and I am not accepting the death or dismemberment of my character at this time (tail, horns, and scales are allowed as they can grow back). Forced sexual themes are strictly forbidden.IC/OOC: What happens IC stays IC. If my character dislikes your character, it is not a reflection myself. Any interactions, positive or negative, should only be viewed as part of the story.PVE/PVP: I generally do not PVP, however I am a fan of PVE and will happily run dungeons or other content OOC.
